'@jugglersbot - Telegram Bot

Download Instagram multiple Photos In Posts

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Download an Instagram post in 10 seconds using the functional Jugglers Bot in telegram?

Every day, new beautiful posts appear on Instagram from favorite bloggers and active users who share their lives, thoughts and travels. Charming pictures with excellent quality sometimes not only collect tens of thousands of likes, but also deserve a separate place on our smartphone: you so want to download or save them. There can be a lot of reasons for downloading, but there is only one convenient and understandable method for this.

Today, with the help of the new Jugglers Bot in Telegram, any active user of the Instagram network has the opportunity to quickly and without any worries download any post they like. And not just a picture from the post, but everything connected with it. How to do it in just a few seconds - find out right now to become one of those people who have already appreciated the work of Jugglers Bot.

Is it possible to download a post from Instagram in a couple of clicks?

Instagram is far from being a new platform, which has been studied enough over the years. It would seem that every second user registered in it knows how to download a post on Instagram or save all the photos that are in it, but no. Considering the fact that there were no telegram bots as simple and convenient as Jugglers Bot before, users often had to look for little-known resources and go to little-known sites. Sometimes it's even worse - just take screenshots so as not to lose the photo from the post and the text that was written in it.

Now it all works much easier and you can download the content of any post in just a few clicks. The Jugglers Bot was designed specifically to make this process easier for all Instagram lovers who come there for inspiration. So, the download now takes about 20-40 seconds, and the bot is so easy to use that after getting to know it, you will no longer want to use other resources to download content from Instagram.

Who can benefit from Jugglers Bot and why?

Each of us has our favorite subscriptions to interesting accounts or bloggers that we love to follow. So, for example, some people come to Instagram not just to look at pictures, but to read, because many experts like psychologists, nutritionists and coaches give really useful tips that you want to keep separately in your notes or share with someone. We can safely say that by downloading a post from Instagram, you can save an entire article from the Internet. But not just from the Internet, but from the lips of a professional specialist who understands this topic. The ability to download text from an Instagram post will allow you not to lose the interesting and useful thoughts of other people whom you love to watch and whom you sincerely enjoy reading.

In addition to ordinary users on Instagram, the ability to download posts and content from them is especially valuable for SMM specialists, marketers, content makers, photographers and videographers.

This is a great opportunity to collect references for presentations, courses, consultations, and even for your own future posts in a commercial account. Statistics show that people come to Instagram not only to look at the lives of other people and read posts, but also to be inspired. For example, you can easily save photos and videos from Instagram if you are preparing for a shoot, or if you are planning an Instagram feed for a commercial account, wanting to visualize your own posts to see how well the chosen content plan suits you.

How fast does an Instagram post download?

In fact, the instruction on how to download a post from Instagram is quite simple. All you need to do is just click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post to copy the link, and then paste it into the Jugglers Bot line and click on "Submit". Within 10 seconds, you will see all the information contained in this post and which you can later use to save to your smartphone or share with others.

In what form does the photo and text that the post from Instagram contains come in?

One of the main advantages of the Jugglers Bot is the ability to download photos in their original quality and size. Unlike other bots that download a picture already “eaten by Instagram”, Jugglers Bot allows its users to get its original, which the user originally uploaded. That is why with this bot you can be sure that the resolution of the downloaded photos will be perfect. In addition, the convenient text download function will make this process even more pleasant, because you automatically receive everything that is written in the post, being able to save the text, edit it at your discretion or share it with it, simply by sending it to someone in a telegram.

Why is it convenient to use the Jugglers Bot in a telegram?

Because you no longer need to spend a lot of time looking for a more or less convenient program or site on the Internet that can also easily download a post from Instagram to your iPhone or Android. Especially considering the fact that many of these sites are simply not visually adapted to the smartphone screen and therefore can often “knock out” an error when downloading. It is much easier, more convenient and more reliable to do this in a well-known telegram by creating a chat with the Jugglers bot.

What additional features does this bot contain?

In addition to downloading photos, videos and text, you also get the option to separately save the hashtags and all the tagged profiles that were in this post. In order to choose what exactly you want to do and what information to receive when downloading a post, just send a link to it and click "Everything that can be done with this link" in the menu that opens.