'@jugglersbot - Telegram Bot

Download Instagram Stories Video

ex.: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdi0U1MoElm/

How to download any story from Instagram despite available 24 hours? The easiest way from Jugglers Bot

Instagram Stories is the most popular feature of the famous platform, which is used by almost half a billion people every day. Statistics show that active users of this network no longer scroll down the feed so often, because all the new information from the life of the people they follow is learned through stories. Aesthetic, stylish, informative and selling - today they can be easily and anonymously saved to your smartphone without the user even knowing about it. At the same time, maintaining the perfect quality. How to quickly do this with the help of the Jugglers Bot - we tell in this article.

Is it possible to download an Instagram story using a regular bot?

It used to be that the Instagram platform only allowed its users to download the photos and videos they shared in a post. Links to them are easily copied in the application itself and all the information in them can be easily downloaded in a special download application or through a browser. But not everyone knows that a similar scheme can be used for stories, even though they are available for only 24 hours.

This is the opportunity provided by the functional Jugglers Bot, which was created in order to download any content from any social networks. Instagram is, of course, the first on this list. In addition to the fact that with its help you can download the active story of any user in a matter of seconds, you can also get access to his past stories. This means that you can view and save a person’s stories not only today, when he shared it, but also their entire archive for a year. Jugglers Bot makes it easy for you to access this information.

Who would benefit from this Jugglers Bot feature in the first place?

Firstly, marketers and SMM managers who work with various brands and bloggers will appreciate this opportunity. After all, before applying for advertising to any commercial account or influencer on Instagram, they can easily look through their past stories, see exactly how sales took place with their help and analyze whether they were successful for previous customers.

Secondly, this is a great way for brands and bloggers to collect relevant information and, for example, reviews or feedback. In this way, you can collect live videos where your customers talk about their impressions of working with you: be it your business, product or any services. You don't have to do standard screen recording and screenshots, losing quality. By uploading links to these stories in Jugglers Bot, you will automatically receive them in their original high-quality format and can be used later for the purposes you need: upload them to your stories, save them in highlights along with other reviews, or on your own website. So instead of dry texts with reviews, you can show people real live stories where your past customers talk about their experiences and your benefits. Or you can completely connect the automatic repost of stories from your Instagram directly to your website, as is available today using the ReviewAbout service.

Thirdly, any Instagram user who wants to can use this bot function not only for work purposes, but also to save memorable moments. Thanks to this, you will no longer be bothered by the question of how to download a story from another person's Instagram. These can be stories of friends and relatives in which you are not tagged and cannot repost, but you want to save a video with these moments on your smartphone.

How quickly and in what format can I download a story?

In order to figure out how to download an Instagram story using a telegram bot, you only need a few simple steps. It is enough to copy the link to it in the upper right corner, open a dialogue with the bot and send it to him. In response, you will receive a story in video format, which is easily saved to your smartphone, regardless of whether you have an iPhone or Android. You can do this in the bot both through a smartphone and on a computer or laptop. So in a couple of clicks you can download a story from Instagram without losing quality.

Why is using Jugglers Bot so convenient?

In addition to clear and fast functionality, this bot allows you not to download third-party applications, but to store all downloaded stories from Instagram directly in a telegram conversation. This is especially convenient when you collect a certain amount of content that you want to store in one place and always have at hand. Thus, you do not have to look for some sites for downloading or download unnecessary applications to your smartphone, but it will be enough just to open one of the dialogs in the telegram with the bot.

What other additional features and "chips" does this bot have?

Jugglers Bot was created in order to simplify your work with Instagram stories, and therefore, when downloading them, you have the opportunity to separately receive the text that is depicted on them, as well as a separate list of accounts that are marked in them. You can select the required option in the bot menu itself, which offers several convenient and interesting download actions to choose from.

Another interesting feature is the ability to be notified about the stories of a specific Instagram account if it mentions the tag of a particular brand or blogger. This allows you to stay up to date with the news and receive up-to-date information, for example, about advertising automatically, without even visiting the person's page.